Sharon Levy
Sharon Levy (Founding Trustee of TILE) is an educationist who has
worked in various fields of education, including teaching, sector
studies, policy formulation and analysis, research and program
evaluation. Her idea of establishing a national teachers’ newspaper in
the early 1990s led to her being nominated as a fellow of Ashoka, a
global association of social entrepreneurs.
In 2006, Sharon founded Learning Unlimited, a tutoring business which
has been built on her years of research and experience in innovative
approaches to teaching and learning. The Learning Unlimited programs
are concept based, rather than content driven and learners are
supported in their academic and personal development through tools
such as Sophrology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tomatis sound therapy and more
recently the HAB Career Assessments and Guidance.
- sharonlevy4@icloud.com
- Cape Town, South Africa