Credentials, that matter
Give confidence to your clients and be part of a pioneering group of sophrologists bringing sophrology to the English-speaking world.
Why become a member
- Be part of the pioneering community of sophrologists bringing sophrology to the English-speaking world
Demonstrate your commitment to high ethical standards
- Add credibility to your work as a professional sophrologist
- Benefit from advice and resources from the professional body for English-speaking sophrologists
- Join members special interest groups to exchange and learn from others
Display the ISF logo on your website and other advertising materials*
- Listing in the ISF members directory
Publicise your events on the ISF website*
Use the post nominal letters for your membership level*
- Qualify for discounted membership of the BHMA and access their reduced professional insurance scheme (UK-based members)
- Get discounts on ISF events and access to members only events
* Associate, Certified and Senior Certified Members

We welcome sophrologists from recognised schools who can provide sophrology in English.
There are four levels of membership available.
We also welcome anyone with a professional interest or short course in sophrology to join as an Affiliate Member of our community.
Find out about Affiliate Membership here.
Associate Member (AssocMISF)
You have a foundation level diploma in sophrology.
Membership requirements >>Certified Member
You have an advanced or master level diploma in sophrology and client experience.
Membership requirements >>Senior Certified Member (SCMISF)
You have extensive client experience and specialist training in sophrology.
Membership requirements >>