A simple sophrology exercise

Sophrology is about waking up, connecting with ourselves, and appreciating the fullness of each moment of life. It is a profound way to enhance psychological and emotional resilience, and increase life satisfaction. Sophrology involves consciously bringing awareness to your here-and-now experience with openness, interest, and non-judgment.

With sophrology one of the exercises we practice is ‘the appreciation of our 5 senses’ and here we would like to share a simple exercise with you, where you will explore a fruit of your choice as if it is the first time you are experiencing this fruit, using each of your 5 senses.

What you will need for this exercise:

  • 1 piece of fruit
  • 1 plate for cutting on
  • 1 knife for cutting with
  • Set aside 15-20 minutes to do this exercise

To begin with, please sit comfortably in a chair with a table in front of you, where you have placed your chosen fruit together with a plate and knife.


First close your eyes and focus inwards to notice your breathing.  Let your mind follow your out-breath and then just allow the in-breath to happen.

Then start to scan down your body noticing warmth, cold, tingling, tensions and relaxed areas.  Spend a few moments focusing on each part or your body and just notice what is there.  Then finish by becoming aware again of your breathing.

When you have done this slowly open your eyes as if you have landed on another planet and it is the first time you have seen this world.  Allow your eyes to come to rest on the “thing” in front of you that looks like it might be a fruit, but you are no longer sure.

Experiencing your chosen fruit using each of the 5 senses:

As if you have no idea that it is a fruit!


  • Look at this “thing” in front of you as if it is the first time you have seen it.
  • Explore the varying shades and colours.
  • Be curious about the size and shape.
  • Turn it around and look at it from all sides.
  • Be curious and wondering about this ‘thing’ that you have just found.


  • Pick up this “thing” in front of you and hold it in both hands.
  • Close your eyes and focus on the physical contact.
  • Be curious about the texture and shape.
  • Notice the weight and size of it.
  • Explore the outer layer with your hands, tips of fingers and the back of your hands.
  • Notice how it feels against your cheek, the skin on your neck and arm.


  • Pick up this “thing” you have found and smell the outer layer.
  • Notice the fragrance of it, is it delicate, strong, etc.
  • Cut this “thing” in half and first smell the outer layer and then the inner parts.
  • Notice any subtle differences you may not have perceived before.
  • Peel away the outer layer of this piece in your hand.
  • Smell the outside and the inside of this layer.
  • Notice the subtle differences you may not have perceived before.


  • Cut a small piece off this “thing” in front of you.
  • Notice any sounds as you slice through the inner and outer layers.
  • Peel away the outer layer from a piece of this “thing”.
  • Notice what it sounds like as you do this.


  • Put some of the inner parts of this “thing” in your mouth.
  • Focus only on the taste
  • Be curious of how it will taste.
  • Slowly chew and eat the piece in your mouth.
  • Noticing everything about how it tastes.

Think for a moment; How often do you allow your food to truly captivate all your senses?

How often do you eat your meals without doing anything else; like walking, sitting at your computer, having a conversation, reading something or watching TV?

You can try this for just 5 minutes during your next meal and any other meal to truly experience the food you are eating with attention and focus on each of your 5 senses.

Sophrology is a training programme consisting of practices aimed at improving mind focus leading to improved health and well-being known as Sophrology Training.

There are three fundamental principles in sophrology

  1. To bring the person into present time, the HERE and NOW
  2. To reinforce positive action, in order to develop the positive elements of the present, the future and the past rather than focusing on the negative
  3. To develop objective reality, to learn how to see things as if it is ‘the first time.’

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Before you go: We’d love to hear about your sophrology experiences. Please share with a comment!